Phone Number Update

Our regular phone line is down. Please call us using 864-585-0232 until further notice. You can also email us: or contact us through our PetDesk app.

Love your vet team? Here’s how to show it. <3

Love your vet team? Here’s how to show it. <3
Cayce Adcock  |  Feb 7, 2021

February is, of course, the month of love. This year especially—with the added stressors of the pandemic and an increased workload—your veterinarians and vet clinic staff would appreciate extra acts and words of love from clients. Here are a few ways you can show your love for the care

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Office Policies and Procedures Updates

Dr. Glenn Adcock  |  Mar 30, 2020

As we all try and navigate these uncharted waters, we wanted to give you some updates regarding our office policies and procedures. We have made several changes so that we can continue to serve you and your pets AND minimize the risk associated with exposure to you and ourselves.

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Navigating Dog Parks

Navigating Dog Parks
Aug 15, 2018

Spartanburg is a fantastic place to get outside with your dog. Whether you have a few minutes after work or a long, lazy afternoon for playing, you and your dog can find the perfect break for exercise and socialization at one of Spartanburg’s many trails

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Spartanburg's Best Dog Walking Trails

Spartanburg's Best Dog Walking Trails
Jan 14, 2018

If you're part of 32% of Americans who make New Year's Resolutions related to losing weight, and you know that getting more exercise is an important way to achieve that resolution — then you may be looking for some creative ways to get active in 2018. 

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A Grateful List

A Grateful List
Nov 20, 2017

Thanksgiving offers us all the time to sit down and remember all the things we’re thankful for. At Pine Street Animal Hospital, our list seems to grow each year. We thought we’d share with you, our clients and friends, what we’re saying “thanks” for during this holiday season.

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